Friday 1 July 2016

7 reasons led Apple's Global Leadership

When we talk about Apple, we are talking about the company continued for many years among the top owners in the world of electronics, not shaken for a moment during those years, despite all what happened around variables. Apple's real revolution began firing iPod, a device that is concepts and the way you listen to music by people forever. And from then, and Apple innovate and change the lives around them, from the iPhone to the iPad. Apple faced a lot of challenges, including entering the Android system and the great support by a lot of competitors. But the bulk of that Apple did not shake at all, and the company continues to achieve today terrifying figures on the level of sales and financial results.

Perhaps the most important question here is how Apple has been able to do so. Why, to this day, we find people eager to launch a new product from Apple, and if they see it at first glance. And like yesterday and I stand in front of a Jarir Bookstore branches and hundreds of people lining up to wait for the midnight launch of the iPhone 6 phone in Saudi Arabia. It is not uncommon at all in Saudi Arabia that people line up to buy a new device, but as the story seems to love people for Apple products universal and not confined area without the other.

In this article I try to shed light on eight important and pivotal for the survival of Apple's strong position causes over the years, and despite the strong competition and the many market variables.

1. The user experience first :

Of the strongest foundations of various Apple devices it puts the user experience in the first place since the first moments of the start of the machine design. The more important question is "What do you want to do?" Before "What we want to make?". The first iPad was one of the examples that show how after looking at Apple when the introduction of new products. Everyone was looking for a laptop to be touching the interface, but Apple deemed it best to provide a completely new idea, meets largest consumer Ahtajat. If it's the first iPad Kmpiotra maybe we've seen suffering in providing one hour of battery life. IPad is designed to give long hours of battery for a device of this kind, and thus enriches the user experience by allowing him to use for a long time without having to be present near the source of electricity, that was a milestone in the design of the iPad and its user experience.

2. Simplicity basis of everything :

Go and look at anything for Apple to fully realize their great love of simplicity in providing everything. Official their store very sleek and designed easy experience for all products and choose what it needs. Their official website is also simple and clear, as well as the way in which they encapsulates their products out, painted white and then prevailing that a silver beautiful logo and probably took a picture of the product with great precision and very careful. This philosophy is simplicity is also transmitted to the design of their products, for example, if we look at the MacBook Air, it is a silvery body put on it, which Apple logo shine Kalmraya. It may occur to the mind that this simplicity inspect the product or luxury elegance factor in the design, but the result obtained by Apple is quite the opposite. As well as it moves to the operating systems, where never see someone finds it difficult to use Apple computers, and if everything is clear and self-evident from the start.

3. Performance by the numbers :

Simple period before someone asked me, why my phone camera has more tnumber of mega pixels compared with your Iphone , but the iPhone takes pictures better? That question often repeated, and perhaps the supervisor of Technology knows at this time that the numbers do not mean everything in the end. Apple has always been long interested in the first place performance, and does not often talk about the numbers when it comes to its organs. IPhone in recent years, for example, is one of the best mobile imaging hand, despite the fact that his rivals and arrived more than 20 megapixel basic camera. Also not too long ago Apple was used only 1GB of RAM, number perhaps only uses medium and devices as without it. But that did not happen any mess in the technical center, and did not find a lot of complaining about this, because the short and Apple always triumph to respond to everyone, because the scale first and foremost is performance.

4. Clarity orientation : 

Apple has a clear policy regarding the organs, and the company is dealing with the market and the consumer simply and equilibrium. When we see other companies, we find many dilemmas in issuing organs, issuing Sometimes a lot of average hardware and the world, and they are using brand names randomly. While you find other companies do not have any clear policy on the main phone, Sometimes issued once a year, and sometimes issued every 6 months. On the other hand since 2007 when the first iPhone and Apple device afternoon issued a new phone in the iPhone series once a year, where the sequence between the new version and the full year, followed by an upgraded version of the same phone. This policy is fully applicable to the iPad also clearly the annual publications. This is a very important part of Apple's policy, and has clearly led to the building of a strong trust factor between the company and among consumers continued without destabilizing for many years

5. Marketing influential : 

All marketing can, all you need is a lot of money, but not all marketing effective, and not all been marketing results. There are many who believe that Steve Jobs is not anybody special when we talk about technology, but short, a genius in the world of marketing. Well, the second point can not denounce all, Vjobz and Apple in general have proven their abilities in the field of marketing superstar. For Apple's marketing is starts since the first moment to make a device, and everybody knows that Apple is the most press conferences follow-up at all. Apple certainly use the classic ways, like others, we find advertising their products on television and in the streets. But Apple is working hard to consolidate the presence of their products in every person's life, how much of a television drama series or a famous movie and found it used computers are the iMac and MacBook and phones are iPhone, so Apple invade our minds without feeling completely.

6. Solid infrastructure :

There are solid foundations to build upon, any important project and aspires for success. Apple has succeeded greatly in building the solid bases, and infrastructure is the most important for their products is very strong and helped it to continue for a long time and win the consumer researcher for the right tool to meet the needs confidence. For example, may take as an example the iPhone is important, and perhaps most importantly for the company, we find that one of the important rules and basic infrastructure are the shop applications. Apple worked very hard to make the App Store something credible to all parties involved, whether developers or consumers. From the developer side has got a safe place and just to publish his work, with a great opportunity to achieve profitable ones. While the consumer got a safe place and reliable to download various useful applications, and which are exposed to significant performance tests to ensure their quality. The same applies to iTunes, and featured in infrastructure for Apple that they are interrelated and are compatible between different organs.

7. Prestige brand :

Apple not only is the first brand in the world, but the value equal to twice the value of the second-placed and is Google. This really is the last harvest for all the points that we have mentioned, all of which contributed to building the reputation and prestige of the famous apple logo Almqdomh. You may find these days people randomly on the road and ask why use the iPhone as a phone, and will probably be the answer because it only iPhone, and no matter how trivial this in your opinion it shows the strength of the brand and the consumer in the absolute confidence of the company's products.

From iTunes and the App Store to iPhone and IMAC, Apple has succeeded in building a global empire and established itself at the top brands in all areas. Apple has not been achieved by chance, the company has pursued over the past years and a clear policy and girl full of confidence from which a strong bridges between them and consumers around the world. This was a special journey of Apple's outlook, and how could the company honored to continue for many years in the hearts of a lot of users around the world, and still further.



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