Monday 4 July 2016


 Convert Your iPhone 6S Into iPhone 7 By Watching This : Every now and then, I come across a video on YouTube that makes me watch it over and over again. Sometimes the video can be just plain silly, and sometimes it can be extremely interesting, but other times I simply can’t make my mind up which it is.
Recently I came across a video in which an iPhone 6s is being ripped apart and turned into an iPhone 7. So, this is one of those occasions, which I don’t know how to classify, is it silly, or interesting?
iPhone 6s Looks like an iPhone 7
The video I am talking about was filmed at a location called Liberty Bridge in Budapest. And shows how a poor and unsuspecting iPhone 6s was taken apart component by component, with a whole menagerie of power tools. Apparently, this was done to make the iPhone 6s look as much like the iPhone 7 according to the latest rumors.
So, it ended up with an extra camera unit, which was ripped from another poor iPhone and also had its headphone port filled in with solder. According to the video creator.
This was done to give it an authentic look and keep it in-line with current dual camera rumors. However, I can’t help but feel it’s a little like Frankenstein somehow!
Sticking with the Rumors
It seems that with the urge to rip apart an iPhone, came the urge to keep it in-line with everything that has been said about the iPhone 7 so far. So, that’s the inclusion of dual speakers, new and redesigned Antenna bands, and even the recently reported Deep Blue replacement for Space Gray.
Creating Your Own iPhone 7
Personally, I’m far too busy to take a power tool to my iPhone, but that probably doesn’t mean that you can’t! Don’t miss-understand me, I’m not suggesting that you take an Angle grinder to your perfectly in working orderiPhone 6s.
I’m just saying that this video was an extremely entertaining one, and if you have the time, the technical ability and can afford to destroy an expensive top if the line smartphone, then why not?
Not Long to Wait
If mutilating innocent smartphones, is not your cup of tea, don’t feel anxious. You only have to wait until September for the actual real iPhone 7 to be launched. However, and yes you’ve guessed it.
Apple has of yet, not confirmed the release, however, as it was a no-show at this year’s WWDC event, some tech journalist would bet their houses on it turning up in September.



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