Friday 1 July 2016

Android N is Android Nougat, Google reveals

After months and months of speculation and a public call for ideas or two, today Google has finally revealed the official dessert name for the next iteration of its mobile operating system.
Android N will thus be known as Android Nougat from this point on. Unfortunately it's still unclear what version number Nougat will get. Its predecessor, Marshmallow, is Android 6.0. So it's likely that Nougat will be 6.1 or 7.0, but that's a reveal for another time.

Google has also unveiled the Android Nougat statue, in front of its headquarters in Mountain View, California - something that it's been doing ever since it started assigning dessert names to its OS releases a few years back. You can see the new, Nougat-themed statue in the image above.


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