Thursday 27 October 2016

One TV app to rule them all - coming to Apple TV, iPhone, and iPad

Apple has announced a new TV app that will soon become available to the Apple TV, iPhone, and iPad.
The TV app combines all known video streaming services into one easy to use interface and you'll no longer need to switch apps for live TV or on demand content. The TV app always knows what you are watching and where you left the last time, follows your shows, and suggests new ones based on your library.
The TV app supports all popular streaming services, but you have to have them installed on your device. You can do it within the app and once you authenticate within the service, TV adds all new content to its library, lists, and suggestions.
With the TV app Apple wants to change the way you are watching TV and interacting with it. There is live Twitter feed support within the app, where you can see all relevant tweets real time without losing sight of what's happening.
The app looks promising and can work on Apple TV, iPhones, and iPads. It will launch this December in the USA, with more markets to follow next year.


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