Friday 28 October 2016

Samsung is planning "significant changes" to quality assurance after Note7 drama

What is done is done and and at the end of the day Samsung has to bear most, if not all of the consequences of the unfortunate Galaxy Note7 battery fiasco.

As for the aftermath, there are definitely more than a few sad fans and it comes as no surprise that Samsung stands to loose a "heartbreaking amount of money". However, the image problem is arguably something even more severe and long-lasting that needs to be addressed. This is precisely what Samsung did at a a General Meeting of Shareholders held today.
Among other announcements, the Korean giant made an official commitment to better quality assurance in order to prevent such problems in the future. Vice Chairman & CEO Oh-Hyun Kwon didn’t go into any detail, but his statement definitely came across as optimistic and determined if nothing else:
Throughout its 47-year history,
 Samsung Electronics has faced and overcome numerous challenges, 
creating opportunities through 
innovation … Samsung Electronics is strongly 
committed to increasing value for shareholders and enhancing the Company’s global leadership, 
learning from and adapting to this challenging business environment.
All that remains to be seen now is how this affects the Galaxy S8, as well as the future on the productivity-oriented Note family.
Source | Via


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