Saturday 25 June 2016

Iphone 5s is cheapest it's ever been, now just $279.99

Clearly The Iphone 7 , 7 plus and maybe the 7 pro are coming in just a few short months. So that means last years models are getting discounted more and more, pushing their prices ever lower. This is especially true of the Iphone 5s, the more affordable of 2013's Iphone duo , and the Iphone 2013 flagship . 


We have seen the 16GB model offered for only 280$ (299.95francs Suisse) for the device, which is a great deal if you don't mind the 5S's decidedly 2013 flagship specs (or buying from eBay). By the way, that's the cheapest we've ever seen the 16GB iteration of the Iphone 5s . Oh, and obviously you're getting an unlocked phone, not tied to any carrier contract.


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