Tuesday 28 June 2016

Microsoft is pulling the plug on its Xbox Fitness service

Microsoft has announced that it is pulling the plug on Xbox Fitness, an Xbox One-exclusive service that features fitness and exercise videos from popular trainers. The service will be shut down on July 1, 2017.

"Given the service relies on providing you with new and exciting content regularly, Microsoft has given much consideration to the reality updating the service regularly in order to sustain it," the Redmond, Washington-based company said.
"Therefore, the decision has been made to scale back our support for Xbox Fitness over the next year, and we want to provide our users with a timeline of the changes you will see."
As for the timeline, Xbox Fitness content is no longer available for purchase. For the content that has already been purchase, you'll be able to play that for a year, through June 30, 2017. Meanwhile, the "Free with Gold" offer will be withdrawn starting December 15, 2016.
Source | Via


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