Tuesday 28 June 2016

Microsoft announces Windows 10 Anniversary Update release for August 2, then pulls the info

You may not remember, but Microsoft officially announced the Windows 10 Anniversary Update back in March. This new release of the OS, previously known by its codename Redstone, was then said to be landing at some point during this summer. Nothing less vague was shared at that moment when it comes to its release time frame.
Fast forward to today, then, when the company published a blog post with the following headline: "Microsoft announces Windows 10 anniversary update available Aug. 2". So that makes everything pretty clear, doesn't it? Well, not so fast.
See, that blog post had no content, in effect consisting of just the aforementioned headline. Oh, and Microsoft promptly pulled it less than an hour after publishing it. Now this might just mean that someone hit the Publish button too soon (before there was any actual content in the body of the post). Or perhaps the date itself was wrong. Anyway, let's just consider that there's a small chance that the Windows 10 Anniversary Update will in fact be out on August 2. Hopefully Microsoft clears things up soon.


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