Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Netflix gets a new icon

Yesterday, it seemed as if Netflix had changed its logo, from the one that everyone seemed to like and no one had a problem with, to this strange new one.
Hey @netflix what's with the new logo? :(
@nikhilwad Not a new logo! The N is an icon and a new creative element to live with our logo. The current Netflix logo is here to stay :)
Turns out though, the new logo hasn't gone anywhere. After confirming to multiple people on Twitter, it seems Netflix just has a new icon that it is now using on social media and some other places, while the old Netflix logo will continue its job. The new icon has a red ribbon folded over in a very 3D fashion over a black background, a departure from the flat white and red logo. It reminds me of the old Netflix logo, which was red text on black.

The new icon is already in place everywhere it needed to be while the old logo is still where it needs to be.
source : http://www.gsmarena.com/


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